May 31, 2008

R-12 pt.4 -- May!

The quest for R12 continues, and just in time...with 10 hours and 44 minutes to spare! Details to come - 136 miles, under 8 hours rolling. i'm pretty excited, as things seem to be working out. I think all I needed was some sunshine, some warm temps, and finally some mental clarity about why I'm riding: ride because I enjoy it, and the numbers will come: well, not since 2005 have I seen numbers like today, and I'm thrilled. I did some math, tho...since today's event was 217km, its not really apples to apples. My fastest 200k was 2003: 6hrs 57min - total time, not rolling time. today, I did 217: in 9hrs 08mins....big deal: but for this mileage level, that makes it my third fastest event of this length ever. 2nd is 2005 at 9hrs 00mins - same course as 2003 - and that was on a single speed. If I do the math, and even today's ride to exactly 125 miles like 03 and 05's ride, today marks the 2nd fastest 200k I've ever ridden: 8hrs, that is only 90-some minutes shy of 2003's ride. now you can see why I'm happy! Still work to do - but its been years since I averaged this fast for this distance. Factor in that the course up in Liberty has only one control, and that the Border Patrol has two, then its even closer...and I'm 25 lbs heavier....well,well....suddenly I have a good feeling about 2008! more details about the ride to come! yeah - its no Jeff Winter or Mark Metcalfe, but I feel good!!!

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