February 26, 2010

Big Thanks!

I forgot to send this out earlier in the week, but I wanted to extend my thanks to Noah from KC-Bike.net for suggesting that JCBC invite me along to speak about bicycle commuting at their annual Banquet last weekend.  It was a good time, and I think we inspired some thought, got some good conversation going, and managed to keep almost everyone awake.  Not shabby.  It was nice to see a lot of familiar faces that I hadn't happened upon in a while, years in some cases.  I don't always get opportunities, being "car-light", to get to the organized evening and weekend club rides like I'd prefer - so it was neat to catch up again.  

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things now that we've reached the "meteorological end of winter", as was recently coined - fighting my way through February, always "fun"... 
Kicking off the beginning of March with a 200K permanent this weekend - just squeezing it into February to kick off another R-12 run - and taking along a couple of new RUSA members - this is their maiden voyage out beyond the 100-mile marker, so wish them luck!  

I might need a little of that luck, myself... first real distance since July.  It's still a mite chilly, but I'm ready to start the season and get back into a routine.

More to come, including the usual 200K wrap-up report... stay tuned!

February 17, 2010

The JCBC Banquet is this weekend!

Heads up!
The annual JCBC Banquet will be held at "75 Cafe" in Shawnee, beginning at 6:30pm on Saturday, February 20th.
That's THIS weekend, so if you're remotely interested register by using the links below... and hurry!
I'll be appearing along with fellow commuter Noah of KC-Bike.net fame. He was invited earlier this year to speak at the banquet on the subject of utility cycling and commuting, and he was kind enough to suggest that JCBC pull me in as well. I'm honored to be invited, and the evening should yield a good hour of discussion on commuting methods, logistics, tips, tricks, and the like. We'll be talking it up, panel-style, with JCBC VP Ken Cobb. Bring your questions, and challenges - we'll do our best to answer, and hopefully pump out some good information for all.
For more information, visit Johnson County Bicycle Club's main page
Registration is $25.00 a head, includes a plated dinner. BYOB, if you choose.
(registration ends Thurs, Feb 18th @ 11:59pm)
(couples, spouses: each attendee must register separately)

Hope to see you there!

February 11, 2010

Trying to get started

February... traditionally for me, the toughest month of the year.
Weather has been exhausting, to say the least... and I know the east coast has it far worse, but it's been no cake-walk here, either. 
I've got the diet re-started, which is helping - but I got socked with a nasty head cold which has had me down and off the bike for a while now. 
Frustrating!  But, alas, there is light at the end of the tunnel...

I went ahead and scheduled my first permanent of 2010 for the 27th of this month, and - while it will probably prove to be trial by fire - it will help to get some sort of base built up for mileage before the rest of the brevet series starts up in late March.  Also, I fully intent to use it as "number 1" of my 2nd R-12 run.  With seven brevets on the schedule this year, at least the scheduling part will take care of itself - and since they are brevets, there is a good chance that I won't be riding solo quite as much on this run.  We'll see... randonneuring can be a lonely sport, even with a full parking lot at the start line. 

All in all, I'm anxious to shed some winter pounds, get back some speed and distance work, and get 2010 started already!  
More to come...