If your winter bike (or, summer bike, for that matter) doesn't show up like this, it's time to make some changes for the better.
I ain't braggin' I'm stayin' alive, ya'll.
Go geek -- reflectivity is IN.
The panniers are back, also.
I've decided that having a bag on my back this winter isn't the way I wanna roll.
Short errand, sure thing -- but anything beyond a couple miles and, well, the summer pannier use has spoiled me. Just can't go backwards.
I'm ready --- big weather forecast for Sunday night into Monday. I'll be rising early to beat the traffic, and enjoying the challenge!
That's the spirit! And you know how I roll. Plus, when it's slushy, I usually have the Squall line covers on. My bike might look like a bumble bee, but I'd rather look ridiculous than look dead.
Agreed entirely on all points. Though I've been relatively off-saddle this winter so far, it's far better to be seen by a driver as ridiculous than not to be seen at all.
I'm still working out the lighting on the Dew Drop, but it'll be just as obvious and over-the-top as the Fire Mountain was when I first started.
And as for backpacks vs. panniers... Panniers all the way. I used a backpack through 6 years of college, and I will NEVER go back. No way. No how. Not. Gonna. Happen.
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