May 21, 2012

May 200k in the books, June makes 12!

Friday, May 18th... a day that made the 400km from April look EASY.
Full post to come, quicker this time - but, it's a finish, and checks off May as "number 11" towards R-12 #2.... 
ONE TO GO!  Stay tuned... 
Plus, with classes finally wrapped up, time to get into a steady commuting routine again - if only for a few weeks before I leave town for Race Across AMerica, that is.
So, so much more to come...


Monkeywrangler said...

Are you riding in RAAM, or crewing it? Kudos either way!

kG said...

Thanks! Yeah, "just" crewing - though, that oughta be quite a challenge in itself. I'm not the caliber of rider ("not yet", or "not ever", has yet to be determined) to tackle RAAM on the bike.