December 23, 2009

Winter Break Projects

As you might notice, regular-readers, some slight cosmetic changes to the blog this week were migrated in this morning:
The side bar has been cleaned up a tad:  the old "Team c'Dude" photos have been removed individually and replaced with a slideshow, to save space.
The Rando and '08 R-12 blog post links have been combined into one links section, for easier chronological reading - old to new.
I've added a "search" widget, also, which is proving really handy.  I'm approaching my 400th post, so it will help.
Next, I'm going to be filling in some of the "blanks" for randonneuring posts:  missing are my maiden-voyage brevets from 2002, including the oft-mentioned account of my worst day on the bike ever.  That title still stands, but there's no post about it, so that's coming soon as well.  You'll see three back-to-back posts from 2002, highlighting some of the original lessons-learned from those first journeys beyond the 100-mile marker.  They're on paper, so just a little typing and they'll be online finally.
Finally, I've received a couple requests to post a "how-to" article on cold-weather riding and commuting - mainly how to dress, and how to get your mind above the elements, so look for that in the next couple weeks, as I take a break from work and the saddle.

2010 looks to be interesting - so stay tuned:  another weight-loss challenge, overall fitness challenge, more brevets, a possible 2nd R-12 run, and the Tejas 500.
Lest I forget, thanks - as always - for reading, and I hope you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season!

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