February 2, 2008

Is that the biggest state in the Union, or are you just happy to see me?

Welp, this year I'm shaking things up a bit by heading south for the winter.... well, for the weekend, anyways; getting a jump on Bob's regular brevet series, by heading south to Texas.
Land of the big stuff.

Land of LSR.

Land of too many brevets and permanents to count.

Land of opportunity.

Yup, pack a lunch, because we're headed to Italy. Texas, that is. Yes, Italy, TX., home of the Italy Texas 200km permanent bike ride (that's RUSA Permanent, for those joining us late - http://www.rusa.org/)

Time to get to base building in a serious way, and beat the local brevets by about one month.

The first 200K up here starting on March 8th, so this will be a great opportunity to break in the freshly built Trek, and fine tune the body a little before another punishing SR series begins. It's better than nothing, considering that I haven't (pauses to look at BikeJournal.com) ridden much at ALL since probably October, and even then it wasn't anything more than 40 miles or so. That scares me a LITTLE BIT, but, it should be okay - because it's just base building, and I'll have plenty of time to recover.

Plus, it's not like I haven't been active at all -- I just don't have any "road" time. Some careful hours with the tape measure should put to rest any growing pains between the new steed and the Kogswell, so I'm not too concerned there -- but I'm hoping the last eight weeks or so of hard training in the fitness center will translate to a descent ability to hold pace with those that don't HAVE an "off" season. I'll be riding with people that have continued enjoying nicer weather ever since Tejas and PBP, so it'll be interesting!

Anyways, wish me luck, and talk to you on the other side!

Lone Star!

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