I tell you, the last three posts reek. They cry foul of a sicko that's forgotten to take his pill. I'm a doofus-face, seriously.
But, I've wised up. I'm back to the "fit-of-idiocy" theory with the Cannondale. I needed that bike like I needed a tail. I'm not a cat. I don't need a tail. Although in some situations it might provide good balance.... I digress.
The Cannondale is up for sale, if anyone wants it. I'm a steel guy, thru-and-thru. That "special occasion" that I bought the thing for just never seems to come up, and of the times I've used it I've not been any faster for it. The kind of riding I do, it doesn't make any difference. I think the final straw was adjusting the headset after this weekend's Cidermill ride and finding a carbon steer tube waiting for me. I realized that nearly everything I was AGAINST in modern bicycle production was staring my right in the face, and I bought into it all. That steer tube was a surprise. You know, it probably IS strong enough - but someone else will have to find out. It's just not me.
One comment on my last post just screamed at me, too -- "you Cannondale guys are all over-analytical" He's right, and I'm trying really hard to get OUT of that mode. I don't want to be that guy, in either respect: Cannondale rider, or over-analytical freak-job. So, it ends now. I mean, look at what I was DOING on the last post!!!
10-speed vs. 9-speed and how much they WEIGHED??!!? What the hell, Dude????
What happened to me??? DOOFUS!
What was I thinking, indeed.
So, we move on. What of the Kogswell, you say? It's coming back. I realized that after the 600K, it was PERFECT. If the only thing standing between me and riding that bike is a few millimeters of extra steel above the fork crown, then I should simply take the elbow grease to it -- and so I did. It was a stupid notion to get rid of that awesome frame just because of a lousy fork issue like that. It took less than an hour to fix. DOOFUS! Here I was, ready to toss it in the dumpster, and save for my "dream bike", when in reality it was hanging in the garage the whole time, with a few MM of steel standing in my way. If I'd had a regular old ball-bearing headset installed, instead of a Chris King, NONE OF THIS EVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. But, we learn, we fix, we move on.
Enough self-degradation, tho -- I suppose on some level we all go thru life with certain levels of regrets and stupid moves, or it wouldn't be a very interesting journey. This has certainly been interesting. But, like I'd said before, it's also getting a little tired, so this is the end of this little "issue". Back to riding.
I'll see you on the road! Knuckle-draggers UNITE!
Does counting every mile, vertial foot, heartbeat, and second fall into the same level of doofuserie? I've gotten to the point where a ride doesn't count if I don't have the numbers. I think that's why Mountain Biking used to be so much more relaxing than the road. I couldn't measure it accurately; it was just, "I rode for 2 1/2 hours.".
But with my Garmin Edge 305 I can count every last measurable parameter in the woods as well!
It's a sickness, but I'm not sure if I want the cure. I don't know if I'm capable of riding for 3+ hours without knowing how far, how fast/slow, etc. I betcha I'd ride REAL slow. I'd probably stop and buy an ice cream cone. Maybe even get sprinkles...
I am glad to see you are coming around on the frame issues. Ride what works for you.
Don't worry about the rest of the world. We waste far more time
sitting on our butts at controls than we loose by riding a heavier frame.
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