January 20, 2011

Socked in

Feeling guilty, and part of the problem lately:  driving a LOT... more than I have in the past four years, probably.
The "man" is charging plenty for gas these days, too, which isn't helping.
Seems to be going around, just as things were looking up, bronchitis (or whatever this lung-butter is about) has me down hard for a month now.
Regardless, I've been taking long, easy "strolls" on the indoor trainer and making plans in my head.  In front of me while I ride, with music in my ears, is a computer screen with slide shows of warmer days, clean roads, friends, and long stretches of pavement in front of me.  With TdF video tape rolling, and music playing, I am rebuilding... slowly.

Stay tuned... if round #2 of antibiotics works, I hope to be posting some good snow-ride pics and commute stories.  
We're only 20 days into this new year... and I'm itchin' to get started!

Stay warm, upright, and healthy out there!

1 comment:

ZmanKC said...

I know what you mean. I've only managed 8 days of commuting so far in January.

I got back with it last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Felt good to get out of the car. However the forecast for Monday/Tuesday is freezing rain/snow.

Looks like more time on the trainer.